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Aulia Cosmetic

Aulia Cosmetic is a private company based in Tangerang, Banten Province. We started our business in the 1990s and specialize in manufacturing beauty and personal care products.
In 2000, we rebranded as PT Aulia Cosmetic Indonesia and now manufacture products for both domestic and international markets.

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Our Vision

To become a leading regional company in cosmetic and beauty care industry in Southeast Asia.

Menjadi perusahaan regional terkemuka di bidang kosmetik dan perawatan kecantikan di Asia Tenggara.

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Our Mission

To provide cosmetic and beauty care products that are of the highest quality in their class through continuous innovation and through a professional organization that creates added value for customers, suppliers, shareholders and employees.

Menyediakan produk kosmetik dan perawatan kecantikan dengan kualitas yang terbaik di kelasnya melalui inovasi berkelanjutan dan melalui organisasi professional yang menciptakan nilai tambah bagi pelanggan, pemasok, pemegang saham dan karyawan.

Our Customers
Speak for our quality.

Ever Bilena Cosmetics
Eloi Coco